Veneers are a fantastic way to enhance your smile, especially if you have chipped, crooked teeth or have gaps in your teeth. Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shell coverings placed over the tooth's front side, changing their color, shape, and size. 

Veneers in St. Matthews look like natural teeth made of either porcelain or composite resin. They are an immaculate option for patients seeking a natural appearance and are long-lasting, affordable, and stain-resistant.  

Let's explore more about dental veneers:

Veneers are known to solve a range of dental issues, which include but are not limited to:

  • Uneven spaces or gaps between the teeth 

  • Uneven teeth or misaligned teeth

  • Permanent staining of teeth

  • Create a uniform smile and brighten the teeth 

Veneers are delicate shells that can be made up of either porcelain or composite resin material. Porcelain veneers are custom-made to fit perfectly on the tooth, offering a solid and long-lasting solution with a natural-looking surface. Additionally, this procedure requires less removal of tooth enamel, and they are resistant to staining.

On the other hand, composite veneers are fabricated in a dental lab and are bonded to teeth with resin cement. They are less expensive than porcelain veneers but have a shorter lifespan of almost 4-7 years. However, they are still an excellent option if you want a long-lasting and affordable option for your dental needs.

 Porcelain veneers are relatively expensive but profitable in terms of durability. They last for almost 10-15 years.  

  • Procedure: 

  1. Examination And treatment planning: During this appointment, the dentist will inspect your teeth to ensure dental veneers are an excellent option for you. They will further discuss the procedure, risks and post-treatment care, and impressions of mouth taken at this stage.  
  2. Preparation: The tooth surface must be reshaped to prepare the tooth for veneers. The dentist may remove half of the millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, equal to the veneer thickness that will be replaced. Mild anesthesia was given to numb that area. The dentist will take the impression and send it to the laboratory, which will create or make veneers. 
  3. Bonding: To prepare your teeth for veneers, the dentist will first clean and polish them to ensure a robust bonding process. Then, the dentist will apply an acid gel to create a rough surface on the teeth. After that, a particular type of cement will be applied to the veneers and placed onto the teeth. Finally, the dentist will use either intense heat or pressure to increase the strength of the teeth.
  • Benefits :

  1. Natural-looking appearance
  2. They are durable and long-lasting
  3. The procedure is quick and painless 
  4. They do not require as much shaping as crowns, yet they are more robust and look better.

In conclusion,  Patients interested in cosmetic procedures may find that veneers are the right option. This option can effectively repair the damage while improving the look and function of teeth. Those who want a new smile can set up a consultation with St. Matthews dentist. In this way, any patient can begin a journey towards a healthy smile.